Privacy Policy Statement is published by Green Light Angst Pty Ltd ACN 087 580 685
Our postal address is: Suite 19a, Bayswater Road, Kings Cross, NSW 2011, Australia
We can be reached via e-mail at
We collect aggregate information on what pages users access or visit and information volunteered by the user, such as specific requests by users to be added to our mailing list. We never give out this information to other companies, and any details given to us are treated in confidence.
Links policies and disclaimer
Green Light Angst has no control and no authority and no control over the company links or any other external links on this site, and takes no responsibility in their use. Links to external sites are provided for browsing convenience only.
What are you doing here anyway?
The views expressed in this website are our own. If you don't like them, you can piss off.